Signal the end of the speech

Effective Conclusions

Signal the end of the speech
This perks the audience back up and prepares them that you
will be finishing

Provide a sense of closure
Your audience should be left with a feeling of completeness
and all lose ends should be tied up

Don’t give new information in the conclusion
The conclusion is not the place to bring up new information
do that in the body of the speech. If you bring up new points
and ideas in the conclusion the audience will not have a sense
of closure

Only review points, do not add to them
Again, develop all your points in the body of the speech. The
only new information might include where to get additional

Refer to your introduction
Reminding them of your introduction adds a sense of
completion and is a very natural way to provide closure

End with a bang, not a whimper
End strong, or your audience will be left with less than an
optimal final impression. Standing there and saying, "That’s it"
does not make a lasting impression on your audience.

Compliments of Frank P. Connelly, DTM
Candidate for International Director
Region 8, 2001 – 2003

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