"Am I a good leader?"
Learn what kind of leadership skills you possess

"What Kind of a Leader Are You?"
by Frank P. Connelly, DTM, 2001

Simply fill out the form to know more about yourself

If you make a decision and someone in the group has a different idea, you;

Explain your decision.
Listen for the explanation of the other idea.
Ignore the Idea.

If someone makes you realize you made an error in a decision you made, you;

Deny making the decision.
Admit to the error.
Pay the person to shut up.

If you get into an argument with someone, you;

Tell other people that this person is too stubborn to talk to.
Try to resolve the situation as soon as possible.
Wait until this person cools down.
Pursue the argument until the person gives up.

How much trust do you feel people have in you?

A lot

When faced with a problem you cannot resolve, you;

Avoid the problem
Seek help from others
Give the task of resolving the problem to someone else
Ignore the problem

If you see someone with a problem you,

Enjoy watching them resolve the problem
Resolve the problem for them
Give hints or tips in resolving the problem

To you responsibilities are;

A burden
Part of life
A challenge

If someone around you does something good you;

Show them all the good things you did
Congratulate and support them
Explain to them that other people have done well to

What is the main driving force in your life?


That's it!
Simply click the button to get your results.

Compliments of Frank P. Connelly, DTM
Candidate for International Director
Region 8, 2001 – 2003

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